Sunday, July 15, 2007

Democracy is a Mirror

Interestingly, it is easy to see what we value as societies across the world. What the intellgentsia, if I may blatantly stomp all over diversity and use that term, holds 'good' and 'right' manifests itself in the multiplicity of attributes it accords to universally admired concepts. Take Democracy, for instance. Democracy, in textbooks of imagined consciousness, you are always warned, is not about representaive government alone. Democarcy is about equality, civil liberties, justice, duties, secularism... Love, most certainly. And with each textbook I read, the writer infuses his/her conceptualization of Utopia into the idea of democracy. Democracy, they say, is an idyllic pasture of cool breezes and the rising sun.

I'm personally all for democracy. I am only noting that its interesting how when something is largely accepted as the 'right' thing by a society, it is endowed with features that it was quite unaware of to begin with.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Woman who left her feet behind

There is a window behind me, which I bestow my passing glance upon from time to time when Goddess Fidgety has definitely taken over. It's mostly frosted, but there are lines in between that will give you a view of the office that lies within. the bottom pane is almost entirely clear and through it I see a most odd sight - a little foot stool emerging from under an ankle length hem. Now, to a sane person that may not seem much. To me, its like having seen plastic toes edged with rubber upon a woman. The footstool rocks and wobbles all day and gives free reign to my imagination. I like to think of it as an alien at work, employed by the organization to regulate its outer space transactions, perhaps a being from Planet Toilet Equipment. For the first time today, the hem is missing. What I mean of course is, the woman there is gone, but she has left her feet behind. They lie there despondant and lonely, four short legs without the body that infuses life in them.
They bother me, sitting like that.
They also give me the perfect opportunity to illustrate what its like to read an exciting title and find a morbidly eye batting tale following it.

And then there was this.

Amazingly enough, I too, like many bloggers in Blogiverse, cannot resist the temptation to point out the fact that i have decided to write a blog. Whatever your purpose may be on this page, one thing is clear - you know I have decided to write a blog. There is no other reason I would spend precious minutes before a screen, facing a text box, slamming my thumb and index fingers upon the keyboard. I also do not intend to abandon this eventually, as has been the fate of many a journal in my life, not to mention, a previous blog. Now that 'Wish Upon A Time' is out, I also hope that this blog will mean something and encourage me to write on the WWW, rather than in the sacrosanct and secretive confines of Microsoft Word.
So the blog, it seems, is here to stay - a means of talking to myself, having a one on one with the world and delivering a monolgue to the internet... My coffee's here. It smells so much foodier than the CCD stuff. And I'm wondering how much caffeine a day can you go without finding your lifestyle up on health pages of the Sunday papers.
Such drifting of consciousness one must be prepared for in traversing this e-lit journey. And if for any reason you do find it worth your time to read, please don't forget to comment.
Cheers, world!